
Challenge: Excessive number of changes and diverse offers make it very difficult to have a comprehensive and objective overview to enable the decision-making process

One of the biggest challenges is keeping track of all the documents suppliers are working on. It can be crucial to review all proposed changes in detail and consider good suggestions for all. The sometimes widely varying comments and changes make it difficult to compare offers. This might lead to a loss of objectivity in the evaluation of services and biased decisions. A more structured approach is needed to address these issues.

Solution: Implement managedsuppliers!

managedsuppliers addresses these challenges with a centralized SOW Hub that enables the distribution of individual documents to each supplier, offering complete traceability and version history, ensuring constant oversight. All supplier changes are consolidated in one location, streamlining collaboration, review, and negotiation. Additionally, the implemented supplier rating system, based on change requests and personal supplier experiences, empowers you to make data-driven, informed decisions on requirements and pricing through objective vendor comparisons.

Contract Development and Negotiation Progress

Structured Evaluation: managedsuppliers offers a systematic approach for supplier evaluation that focuses on objective measures such as contract changes on the one hand and soft skills such as presentation and project understanding on the other.

Complete Transparency: See all negotiation results, negotiation rounds, track changes, ratings and more.

Comprehensive Data: Dive deep into financial impact and ratings for thorough supplier evaluation.

Supplier Reporting & Comparison

Financial Impact: managedsuppliers gives you a clear picture of the costs involved, including one-time fees and long-term expenses, helping you make a smart financial choice.

Negotiation Dynamics: managedsuppliers helps you evaluate the negotiation process by looking at supplier cooperation and the number of change requests (CRs) agreed upon, indicating the level of collaboration and compromise. This helps you understand the customer’s willingness to make concessions.

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